Beyonce’s music video released

Shot by Scott Beardslee on the Red Epic 3 months ago, the music video of “1+1=2” has just been released. Click to watch it!
Julien Zeitouni, SOC - Local 600 Camera Operator
Shot by Scott Beardslee on the Red Epic 3 months ago, the music video of “1+1=2” has just been released. Click to watch it!
It is not rare to never see what we worked on. We participate to so many projects than sometimes we even forget about some. In 2007, I worked on a few shorts with DP Marco Cappetta. I randomly… Read More
I just got back from 2 weeks in India where I was hired by Mili and Sid Ghosh from Memories in Motion to shoot a $1.5 millions wedding. It took place in the city of Udaipur, also called… Read More
Last December, I pulled focus on Kid Cudi’s music video for his song Day ‘N’ Nite. Produced by Daft Arts (Daft Punk’s production company), it was directed by So Me and filmed by Arnaud Potier. The video is… Read More
Here is a 3.5 minutes video for the concert I worked on in February for the San Diego based electronic band “Soul In The Machine”. Produced, Dp’d and directed by Steev Dinkins. Copyright Holy Zoo.
Justin Benoliel from Ghost Town Media produced this very promising music video yesterday in a warehouse downtown LA. It was shot by Hori Murai with 18 small camcorders strategically placed to capture the performace. The Red One Camera… Read More
“Super Fit Mamma-Fit for Pregnancy” is the new DVD which Tracey Marlett will be offering soon on her website dedicated to fitness solutions. DP Gavin Brennan asked me to bring and operate the jib in its 12ft configuration,… Read More
I just added one section to this website that was missing so far: my reel.
“Soul In The Machine” is a San Diego based electronic band. Last Saturday, the 14th, they performed at a charity event/warehouse party for “Burners Without Borders”, a group of Burning Man humanitarian activists. The Jimmy Jib, in its… Read More
Yesterday, I worked on my second music video for the band Metro Station. After Shake It! in the beginning of the year, producer Justin Beloniel asked me to operate the Jib on Seventeen Forever. Taking place at night at… Read More